Creating A Modern Home: Mixing and Matching Different Furniture Materials
New Furniture Ideas
Furniture is one area that has seen much change. Designers today love to present people with options that show creativity and thought. One of the many ways that designers are changing the very notion of furniture is with the use of mixed and matched materials. Today’s homeowners can take inspiration from the many ways that modern designers are transforming the home design landscape and use such ideas on their own.
Why Mixed Materials?
Traditionally, furniture has been made from a single type of material such as wood or leather. Today’s designers are going a step further. They’re using all kinds of materials. The net result? Pieces that have lots of personality and plenty of interest. Designers today are combining hard materials like steel with soft and warm fabrics like velvet in a single room. They’re using elegant wood with textural corduroy for a look that is startling modern and starkly appealing. Using mixed materials offers many benefits. These materials are more than the sum of each part. Instead, they’re a new synthesis that brings out the best qualities of each material. The new look is bold but it’s also pleasingly mellow.
Versatile Spaces
One of the many benefits of using furniture with different materials is just how versatile this look is and how it works in any room. In the bedroom, bring in a sofa with cowhide, metal legs and velvet details for a look that is full of life. Use the such mixed materials as inspiration for the rest of the room. Grab throw pillows with different materials to add even more texture. If you don’t see anything you like, you can always make your own. Take some fabric remnants and sew them together to create an inexpensive pillow that is truly modern. In the living room, look for large sofas with personality. Sofas that have cushions in varied types of materials immediately attract attention. This is an excellent way to make any otherwise ordinary room feel special. Use one statement piece with several fabrics at the same time. Pair the pieces with plain white walls and subdued accessories for a totally elegant space that is extremely contemporary.
Buying Items
Not only is this look wonderfully modern, it’s also easier than ever to achieve. There are many types of this kind of furniture on the market. If you don’t see what you like, head out to the used furniture store (get directions to ReStore). You’ll find dozens of pieces wherever you look. Search for durable mixed materials that have stood the test of time and are still clearly in good condition. Look for items in a certain color scheme if possible. For example, the warm brown tones in chrome and brass work exceedingly well with the warm brown tones you’ll see in many leather pieces. Place a chrome and glass table on top of a warm brown sheepskin rug next to a leather sofa. Antique stores are another great resource. It’s easier than ever to find classic items that still work great today. Don’t be afraid to mix and match items from different eras for a totally unique look in your own personal space.
Your Own Design
Ultimately, you can create your own spaces any way you choose. Look at what most appeals to you. Many people look the texture of wool but they also want to complement it with something that is equally rugged and dynamic. Silk curtains and a corduroy sofa are an ideal way to the entire look remind people of being outdoors. Think about the area of each room. Group a set of chairs in one part of the living room in varied fabrics with a low slung marble table for intimate conversation each day. Each piece should serve a specific purpose that lets the room serve the homeowner’s needs well. Varied types of material allow any homeowner to tap into the pleasing texture, color, and visual interest inherent in many types of materials.
Ready to get started with your new mix and match look? Shop at ReStore for discounts on quality new and gently used home goods and building supplies!
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My brother has just bought a new house and needs to find furnishings for it on a budget. I really appreciate your advice to purchase durable materials so that they will stand up to the standard wear. We’ll look into some pre-owned or model home furniture to see if we can find a good deal on the quality materials you’ve mentioned.
Make sure you stop by and see us at ReStore as well! We go great with new homes and strict budgets.
Mixing and matching different furniture materials is challenging, but this post offers great advice! Thanks for sharing.